Information On Becoming Catholic

There are times when adults experience a spiritual awakening. Maybe you are not baptized and have thought about being baptized into a faith community. Perhaps you were baptized Catholic or into another faith tradition but never had any formal instruction and realize the need. Or maybe you have been interested in learning about the Catholic Church and the time is right. The process through which adults become Catholic is referred to as the RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiationof Adults). Or perhaps you are the spouse of a Catholic, who has been attending Mass here for many years, feeling yourself Catholic in many ways but just never formalized it? Are you interested in completing that relationship by formally making a profession of faith, being confirmed and taking an active part at the Eucharistic table? Drop by if you might be interested in discussing further how you might complete your initiation into the Catholic Church. Spouses, fiancés, and friends are invited.

For more information, please go to our RCIA page here or contact Paul Ambro at